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Saturday, April 6, 2013

BENSON UCHE: Maggot Girl

Hey babies, sorry for the long wait, i've been busy, hope you haven't missed me too much. XOXO

This story is an extremely shockin but confirmed true story by our numerous sources, Uche ezeike a beautiful girl, was struck down by yahoo boys using jazz on her, rumours about the yahoo boys using Juju are that, they fuck girls and take all the girls future wealth from them, terryfying. It's said that uche can barely sit down anywear anymore, in class and lectures she always has to go to the bathroom, she struggles with a case of maggots coming out of her pussy, they come and go, it has reached a level where her church members even came together to pray for her, im sowiee darling, hopefully we can all put our hands together and pray for her. XOXO gossip girls.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Amebogirls HIT OR MISS: Melody Jacob

This week on Hit or Miss, is our very own Melody jacob, she looks trendy to me.
tell us what you think below.
Remember its about the fashion, so is this a Hit or an Epic fail...

You can check out more melody jacob styles on her blog click here


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Temi oshin X Noks: what went down

this has to do with our very own temi oshin and tc peruzzi's singing buddy noks. well after temi's break up with her ex , almost 4 months later there was a party in kharkov and the two temi and noks were actually kissing in the club and also they left together which of course noks spent the night at the apartment she rented and was quick to blab about it to his friends. what went down but unknowing to the temi oshin it was a bet btwn noks and tc peruzzi about who would sleep with her first. 

also during the last zapcity party he spent all his time before going to the party at her house instead of chillin with his guys and after the party he went to her place but they left the party seperately so as not to attract any attention. and i heard she now goes to church regularly guess the breakup really hit her.

 info on her ex big t, dont know his real name , everybody respects the guy but i have a few of his secrets. justa tip of the iceberg ,he has slept with at least 4 of his teachers since his second course...XoXo


Bitch for hire?: sarah sagbe

it is allerged that sarah is a mercinery and will do anything you want all for the money, this is a first account statement from one of our fans.
"the most irresponsible girl is sarah sagbe dat goes around begging boys for moni and was ready to do anything with me  and my guys for d moni"

let us know people is this true?