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Monday, April 29, 2013

Mrs Africa ukraine Rigged???

it has been brought to our hearing that the competition is being rigged to make sure that the organizers friends win in various categories ,the organiser wants girls from kharkov to win the competition, the public has promoted the show so well and it should be in the public interests. the source also stated that the organizers are working side by side with Jessica and hiba getting them tv interviews etc while the other girls do not have access to such. it was also stated that the organisers have been holding meetings with some of the contestants while others are left out , before the big event ,the judges are choosen by favoritism and not by their knowledge in peagentry.. please is this uniting or dividing us??? 


  1. at last their tretrousness has been brought to light.. thank you amebo for exposing them.

  2. if this is true then it is not fair to us

  3. why rig the peagent?? its just not professional

  4. amebo mebo, u be oga at the top oo

  5. lmao!!! Valentine nd chidi will die hating tho!!!!!! those kids need to grow up.

  6. Lies!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. thanks so much amebo for the publicity..... GOD bless u
