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Friday, April 26, 2013

Help Save Cancer Patient...the $2 Project

Kingsley Nwabueze, a 6th year medical student in Lugansk State Medical University, has just about 2 months to become a full medical Doctor, But This Dream Cannot hold unless he gets a Liver Transplant in India. He is soliciting for you help, Please Share This Video and Donate to help save Him from Cancer of the Liver.
If he gets as many as 10,000 viewers to donate $2 each, his life will spared from the cold hands of cancer.

a fundraiser will be held on the 30th April in the ceremony hall in lugansk at 2.00pm.

please people lets do as much as we can to save a life. God bless you all

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4149 4377 4342 4747 NWABUISI KINGSLEY NWABUEZE. (ukraine Grivna card)

here are a few words from him
"Hi my name is, Kingsley, i came to study in the Lugansk from Nigeria. There are students like me in Lugansk but i am totally different from them.
I have advanced cancer of the liver, So my chance living a few years is little.
If we see the theory of probability, for any man today could be the last id his days, because the world is filled with lot of diseases, various disasters, high crime, but no one knows when it's the last day of his life.
For young people who are a little over twenty, there is a good chance to live another 40-50 years, I also have to fight for every day of this life. For me the extra day given by God and destiny is a holiday and day to remember.
Girls and boys who will live for many years, it seems that 50 or even 30 years - is almost infinite. But believe me, it is not so! Life passes quickly! And the saddest thing when facing the death of a man is ashamed of the intervening years and there is dissatisfaction with their own lives.
I made a lot of mistakes. And now that I dont have so much time left, I learned to appreciate and understand life, but still remain a young man. So I want to appeal to everyone, and especially - the youth.
Enjoy every passing day! Life is beautiful! Thank God and destiny of every day given to you!
Do not be indifferent, believe, enjoy each day, and live a good life. What they say make every day count!
Learn! May each day bring you something new and interesting. Knowledge allows you to better understand the world, to choose the noble purpose in life. And you get the knowledge will be better able to help others!
And more. Never disregard any medical examinations. Do not treat them as a formal procedure that takes away your time. Medical examinations can save your health and perhaps life.
Always be yourselves and be happy! God bless you!"

1 comment:

  1. people wen dey run from bacteriological test ( rectal examination una don doesnt make you gay or bi...... its just for prophylactic sake.......
